St. Vincent de Paul


The Parish was formally organized by Rev. Michael Purcell in 1869. Our first resident Pastor was Rev. Michael Meagher, named in 1873. The present church was built in 1885 under the administration of Father Curran. The present rectory was built in 1894, and modernized with aluminum siding in 1963. During 1958-59, the lower level of the church was excavated, the walls reinforced and the church hall constructed. This was done largely by the volunteer help of men in the parish. The hall was blessed by Bishop Kearney on December 9, 1959. Renewal projects have been completed in the intervening years; designed to keep the church interior up to date and accessible, and to modernize the rectory. Our parishioners have always played a significant role in the renewal projects of our worship space at St. Vincent de Paul. Welcome!

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